Sunday, June 19, 2005

John M. Bennett & Jim Leftwich

Lur ch

lurch crimp ladle cost
tossed table shrimp shirt

mitt bauble pope coup
loop soap gabble tit

rabble tub cot kiln
fill sot club dabble

plunge rub cam fluke
flute jam pub grunge

sable lube dot swill
fill cot tube table

snit bubble rope loot
moot slope trouble skit

flirt hemp stubble boss
floss double bent dirt

cage gram tune flaunt
paunch moon game cat

loam truss dead scree
reap bed musk comb

fan clout back show
howl bats clock fact

church limp cradle lost
tossed table dim perch

Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 2002

Sc r ay

scry copse jamb sluice
clue scan slopes dry

mink jute nave posh
gnaws shaved lute sink

seine slat clove hue
flue glove spat dame

skirt hump mass peel
pest mall stump curt

foam itch mud neem
deem nude flinch chrome

clay can floor soon
rune soar clan cay

Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 2002

Slu r ag

slur grex kite loam
comb fight text blur

parch ghoul flint vex
lex limp pool starts

sarx porch cough brie
flee loft scorch barks

lung grunt sip lap
slap slip runt rung

crawl shoal lamp bin
pin lamb coal shawl

slug slap awk bored
war slaw slept slag

Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 2002


slobber hank clubbing sot
clot stubble stark clobber

sinking tube corsage ham
clam massage cube tinkle

cubic set flamer hole
fold hammer bet rubric

plod booth sub hiss
bisque sib sooth sod

yank ash cum dub
bud bum hash prank

must rule rough shore
gore gulf rue tusk

John M. Bennett & Jim Leftwich 2002


stop macher head showing
snowing wed slacker mop

flake collapse tent sugar
cougar pent prolapse rake

gun tubbing skin knacker
cracker spin drubbing bun

cleat mope rent slough
puff mint pope beat

prize clamp blowse it
flit cows clad eyes

rake skull loom look
cook root hull cake

John M. Bennett & Jim Leftwich 2002


bulk coat ides lathe
shave sides boats hulk

doff fudge waif tome
shone cave budge coff

kine oak butte cyme
rime loot soak brine

slog pun slab murk
slur cab spun log

coop hum button wide
slide bum human scoop

fund crest snap rack
crack nap rest done

cup usher must nag
stag most pusher coup

wolf clap bug porch
pinch burg lap wharf

rap moat pog runt
punt cog meat map

Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 2002


arch lore flit pouch
couch spit sore dark

flex oud adze cig
pig slab mood checks

scrim cede foul rasp
ask cowl seed grim

slob sort lag sight
tight sag snort gob

snub heave crud sent
vent rude crave sub

husk horn slender inch
ditch bender shorn musk

each hoop bag sog
fog crag snoop peach

slink bed sore noose
roost score bid skunk

sag wasp leaf splinter
hinder least asp sap

Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 2002

plug sy at spins

plug syndication its reap roof
root seep its vindication snug

sopping cough shudder slap pore
sore pulp rudder slough hopping

bin's treat meant faucet drone
phone crosses bent meat spins

John M. Bennett & Jim Leftwich 2002

Spring mask

spring dip, pooch, lip ring,
string hip, hooch, slip thing,

mulch, low gloom, one duck,
gulch, flow room, some cluck,

ash loft, mint floss, mask,
rash cough, list loss, asp,

wing filch, broach, milk bash,
fling gilt, coat, ilk flash

cup loop, hub, sank shed,
ring thing, tuck, mask mask

Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 2002


juts thumb cur murmer
turn sure dumb sputs

ilk blight ingle inch
cinch linger tripe silk

east ounce resin ape
tape lesson pounce leash

suds tome clonk shoe
hoe clone time suns

leech flounce lesion tame
frame seizing bounced peach

bilk ripe finger pinch
inch lingers swiped milk

puts number lure turf
slurf sure slumber sputs

cure hoof spout clam
lamb spot hoot cukes

house shuffle drain lube
lute din muffle horse

most cutting slang sped
speed sang jutting ghost

Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett

S nub d one

snub hunk shad fen
fine shade sunk knob

she blunt tub mawk
mark tube lung shy

food gnat clug bint
bunt loge knot mood

sebo real port show
sown pint roil segue

fin shot hock stubble
mumble lock clock spins

hawk hub blue sheep
heap crew sub balk

bind clue natty foot
poot fattly glue mind

shock sort gazebo
sleaze port sock

heave clumb throne
roan lumber eve

trawl slab sing
sign lobe drawl

blunk hiss tube
lube sikh bump

sped trounce mist
mice pounce red

John M. Bennett & Jim Leftwich 2002

Skad one

scab shud dare slem
slam dire shod scar

door hoom cock skent
bent click zoo rood

hull ball must fumb
fume mist tall lull

slim wear shoed cob
sob lube tear chin

hint clock mooch donor
phoner booth dock lint

rumble moist bail hell
spell scrawl hoist crumble

slab tent musty sordid
slid morse tentative dab

truss sunk soup crank
crane soap funk rust

shut sound sort pleasance
sentence tort south hut

pool med stump half
hall sump mod peel

John M. Bennett & Jim Leftwich 2002


pock marble suit hen
fen loot gargle sock

hamper bolt knit egg
leg spit fold damper

elf gut socket imp
limp hocker cut pelf

made gruel sub trance
slant rub suet mud

sole lug gob tubulance
gold lube job turbulence

faucet dance cumber sore
sorb slumber damp fault salt

John M. Bennett & Jim Leftwich 2002

Cork keg

cork baste nip hull
full hip taste pork

bier gauge hoist rune
tune moist page fear

knob quark fleck kilt
spilt deck shark sob

loom tub bland sprawl
caul bond tube moon

cow suds tape dead
sped nape dust crow

foot hub snack booth
toot snuck hot boot

pool low drab shine
sheen robe lit pal

"spleen" coal slap mine
sign clap foal "peen"

crept bush mud breath
wreath mad cush slept

king flags straw frame
same flaw figs keg

John M. Bennett & Jim Leftwich 2002

Sk ink

skink bulb toggle plat
spat awful club drink

toe pimp apse sulcus
tuchus taps limp crow

anvil snout punk eye
pie lunk shouted camera

snip buzzard eel cone
shone peel clustered drip

drank cloud dump mass
class ump clot rank

spout heap should ring
rigged hold head rout

swallow copro ladder use
loose coal swear shallow

sag crust stitch roam
rose hitch cruise sap

shoes mutter coastal willow
pillow floats shuttered you

Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 2002


fr om th e m out h
er e yes m ap ron
a nd y an d dna
da and dan se
p aerate uh s and c ollar d
eep fork h ump th roat
t emp t m im e hov
el ur id h or net st at ic
l am p m or f m all
o phone g uzz le ap t echo
f l inger in t he s ank le sank
ee pin g lak e be
ee s p hon ay e es
pr ey horn t ub ber
"suit" it su tact al
b ut bu t tub
tu b u t ut
st ut ter n a w ash
c amp s ap b and
n est le ss t he h at
ma d p en c l am
ber hoop f lume na p
raya mmer es caler
t he ad th e av e th
eh ecatl the he n
v as t cat t le n ec
k lac e ten se n se
win d cav es len s ud
s lak c k s e ver la gor
d a
d der u dder l ooper
h am me r
h as ha s sha
ha ash as sah
l ist tis l s lit til s si
l ver te la car a
cop p er c as t le
w ave s c he ese
v at u ne t i c a t
l ace n e w i n e ver se
nt ense ne w when
a nd a t he h an d
th e d na p et h i
da mp eh l a n d
t h e d an cid h e
emp time sho vel ver rev lev
an y e s ad de le p e ek
h on e c k pa y e t kin g
it ate h orn t act ic st rut
ap m old het her ret in a
s leep ing ma p s line as o
r tu car a en ne lla m a s
f rom th e h is ey es

Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 2002
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 06:53:37 -0400

Emp o

s word d ish you lab ile l ink
t race o pen sieve yr s leave
o pen yr ha d ang le
N s ink d im p le
st d agg er got tub ee
to p s o ap l op e cop e
s ank shush hors at wh
eel s orts wing er
ed it s i eve
s op lop sid c
lang ut s and lang
am b er bum b le
be es cents sin g lan
d an gle am h ump
umb ra l ease l
s eep uzzle d rain p
is s hou t d s lap or recti c
s or e poch s p ore
w oof s lea p me at if
clef t on e s
n umber yl w hole
t arp see v e ils l ip pe
eve neng age an t ank shush
o ar s at w ill
hoo m oo (m
ood oom h om
e r oom moo
n) h one d r
on e as e ope n
b il iou s ink s w or ds
s h ed l ex d ample
thi gh gh t ime r aft he
he h l' ame r u

John M. Bennett & Jim Leftwich 2002

S zon

s pit i t oot h
oop s lun g e
g oat he r eel
le af fec ti on e d roo
l ake a f l o a
t p ore s ou p ala
nc a t ab le s inkin
g ho s t s tut t er co as ts
a s lit to
ok c lam we
t ra in dif
ferent ha ul u
r os es car go h eave
s on c e sh
ov um
er en o ugh
t un ed too M
t en du ncy a shi
vering ss nake d
en d u r an ce sp lit sh
ore wi
re holy shit he ap
plied ear ef f ort
s co r ope
N so ak in
of h er
t l ago s pilt
o n
n e
O r


John M. Bennett & Jim Leftwich 2002

Op s nag

lo go rea al go
t op s nag s
n or mem o
pal m ee k
ee p in g
"lu" ck ? ha
t rac k ni t i p
ic k ic k ing
m pax om niv or
wor se ner ve
vana p
mapp in g ills
l ego mi meo sen
or mn emo ni cs ?
nor e mot e s ai d or
e ner vate
a ll
s nap t ama clam p
e sla m
enet rat e m
or m
or do o dor m
k m
sli p P or m
pear mmmmmmmmm
eeemmm urrrr
eee mi fa so la di mi
so ap pear
hi mi
st ssss
o endo r
aft rrr

Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 2002

The Spoon

the nome nized last
bably hum force tube
bration flood tance come
who natch tance ents
with sumo the sore
plished sub nor halt
of ten ments ement
sibility clang sets doff
pants slide mony ceres
bodies hoop siderable clung
monial erious is is
impart dam for tune
arms alimbo pulating sub
spurt kong matic embolism
teristic kak ledge spoon

Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 2002

Mod Combine

mod orn perfor nation
ab pollute places sames
also ham look clocked
inher ant "play" yore
frame pust par yule
modes shone food clamp
powers speed mu dram
rob bore here acrid
found cloche ac tude
con gregar dif rent
large lang no bode
litur cheek not sum
notes lap point pout
prac lice cul tumba
ap prance space combine

Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 2002


ice-pick, fontanel,
sang, shoulder clot,

auscultation cult,
slung tamper, boom,

flood an ear, push,
kiosk on one ski

Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett 2002